Robot Drivers

I would want a self-driving car! I believe the safety benefits outweigh the risk. During tricky intersections and other hazardous areas I would take control; however, I am confident that in routine driving the self-driving car would actually be a better driver than me.

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AI: Do Machines Think

Turing could see the horizon coming, “nevertheless I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.”

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Project 3: Privacy and Cloud Computing

For our project we implemented a wallabag application server. We were successfully able to run a wallabag instance on a Digital Ocean droplet. Our team decided to work with wallabag because it is a very useful service. Wallabag is a simple to use online web archive open source application. What trade-offs are you making when […]

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Not Neutral on Net Neutrality

From the readings, what exactly is Net Neutrality? Net Neutrality is the idea that ISPs should not have the ability to provide preferential treatment for any content. This neutrality would be for all legal web sites and prevent ISP involvement in speed regulating.   Explain in your own words the arguments for and against Net Neutrality. […]

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Corporate Personhood

When powerful corporations are controlling the money to politicians, their voice becomes more powerful. Finally, ethically corporations do not have responsibility like people, so it is harder to penalize them other than fines.

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The Cloud – It does exist

In Brad Smith’s letter he says, “Hackers used the Internet to attack the company and its freedom of expression. Yet Microsoft and Google used the same Internet to defend freedom of expression by making the film available online.” Cloud computing helps the power of the internet, this power gives more features to people who want to use if for good or bad.

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